
Interesting uses for a shed

I was on the phone the other day, talking to someone who helps us with our marketing, when he said something that totally shocked me.

We were chatting about some recent jobs we had done, and in particular a hobby room we’d created for a CB radio enthusiast.

And these were his exact words:

“What’s a CB radio?”

In that moment he betrayed his age, so I spent the next five minutes explaining to him exactly what they are.

No such education would be necessary for Mr H’s family – our CB enthusiast customer who decided that it was time for a dedicated room devoted to talking to his CB mates.

The building needed to house plenty of electronics kit, which clearly needs securing, so we added a long throw lock and shutters for extra security.

And although he didn’t want or need full-scale insulation, he did at least have half an eye on what the weather will be like when summer’s over, opting for an insulated floor to prevent the cold coming in from the concrete below.

It’s definitely the first CB shed we’ve created, and it may well be the last, but I’m sure we’ll see plenty more hobby rooms and buildings in the coming weeks and months.

As life returns to something closer to normality, many of us are determined to continue finding time for ourselves and our interests, and long may it continue. Whatever your hobby, if you want a dedicated space for it, get in touch and we’ll get the ball rolling on it for you.

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