Concrete bases in the garden
A concrete base is generally only necessary where the building is having a concrete floor, such as a garage, mower or machinery store.
If the surface is grass, the turf will need to be removed to expose firm soil suitable for taking the concrete. Removing waste from site is extremely expensive, so it is always best to find somewhere on your property to dispose of the turf. Often this can be against a bank where it will soon grow and blend in. Another option is to use the turf to landscape around the finished base.
Dealing with a sloping site
If the site slopes, it may well be necessary to level the ground and remove soil with a mini digger. Again, removal of soil is expensive and once disturbed the volume of the material removed doubles. Often it is desirable to compromise where there is a slope. This is done by digging out some of the site and building up the base at the lower end. Another useful solution is to have a step in the base. This works well where there the building is split into two sections, such as a garage and a workshop. The floors can be set at different levels without any effect on the use of the building.
Concrete block bases
These are excellent for buildings with timber floors. The main advantage is the saving in cost compared to concrete. Other advantages include the benefit of ventilation under a timber floor to avoid damp and the temporary nature of the base should you ever wish to move your building. Customers sometimes ask us if the blocks will be stable enough to support the building. The answer is yes if they are installed correctly. This involves removing any soft grass or soil and then compacting the blocks in the ground. Don’t forget Shields Buildings prices include the installation of concrete blocks for all buildings with a timber floor.
If you have any other questions please don’t hesitate to give us a call on 01837 82442.